Crypto Transactions

When customers pay with cryptocurrency, they initiate a push payment using their wallet. This means that they push the payment, including a crypto amount and wallet address, to complete the transaction.

When a customer requests to pay with cryptocurrency, Azimuth creates an object that represents the expected payment details. This object contains all transaction details, including the amount of crypto tokens, their real-time USD price, the sender's blockchain address, and more. Additionally, a successful transaction generates a unique payment address known as the transaction hash. This helps us associate customers to their payments.

Once a transaction has been approved by the customer and processed successfully, Azimuth triggers a callback function that was passed to Azimuth's constructor when integrating the solution. The callback function is provided with all the transaction details, allowing the business to be notified in real-time whenever a customer has made a payment. This enables businesses to quickly deliver their goods or services to the customer.

The full list of transaction details and information on how to pass a callback function can be found in the Callbacks section.

Last updated